it is so nice not to worry about work or school. to step away from making money, worry, commitments and all that. going to half moon bay the other day was so relaxing. the three of us were kids again. on the beach throwing logs in the water, skipping rocks, attemping to build a dam or a bridge to cross the river. its so nice. i think we all need days like that. im already ready to do this again.
my mind may be half-swooned by the movie, loop. i just got my copy in the mail (from norway) and even though ive only watched the first ten minutes, i have this excited sense of peace. maybe it was this guy:
maybe its the weather. maybe its the ability to walk or ride to campbell and sit and read and work at a coffeeshop.
maybe its the thought of one month until coachella. narrowed down to bjork basically:
or maybe its two months until graduation. or to narrow it down further....i have one paper left to write. one test to take. two projects left for my other class. one of which is the live painting i am doing with stations of the cross. the other project being tracing drawings that i have done.
maybe its the fact that my group of friends have really become something else. maybe its our community group that has stepped beyond "just friends" and have become people who want to serve in a variety of ways.
maybe it is serving in general. giving up my free time.
in other words, to sum all this up, im just happy.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
not for those with a fear of heights
this skywalk goes over a portion of the grand canyon. and it is glass bottomed. so you can look straight down and feel as if you are walking over the canyon. i dont know if i will ever make it out to this. it was just opened to the media yesterday so there arent too many pictures yet. whats crazy is how high above you actually are.
Monday, March 19, 2007
two feet in the soap and water.
"now you have both feet in"
i was told this yesterday as i was refreshed and challenged with the community group people. its a simple line, that may have been said to me with a partial-joking attitude behind it. but it floored me. i dont deserve to get my feet washed. this leadership/community group thing is tough and fun and challenging and interesting. it all began with one toe breaking the surface of the water, and nine toes who resisted. now i realise that i should be fully immersed in all of this.
the only meaning of the oil-wet water
God: I own you like I own the caves. The Ocean: Not a chance. No Comparison. God: I made you. I could tame you. The Ocean: At one time, maybe. But not now. God: I will come to you, freeze you, break you. The Ocean: I will spread myself like wings. I am a billion tiny feathers. You have no idea what's happened to me -dave eggers
Thursday, March 15, 2007
filmen løkke
JEG rettferdig bestilt en avskrift av filmen , løkke , av av noe norsk film website. og det koster meg 179.00 kr. forhåpentlig meg 179.00 kr ville være innlegge fint hendene og filmen ville være sendt å meg uten alle problemer , den var moro imidlertid foregi det jeg var en norsk atter.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
some day you all will be tired of me talking of helvetica. in the meantime, click on the picture:
im excited about this change that i feel. i cant fully describe it, but i can see myself being lifted out of this state of stagnancy. i see a huge agent for this change being my usage of time. i have felt so good since i have gone away from the tv, i have felt good since i gave up sleeping in for lent, i have felt good with reading many books. its crazy to think that i enjoyed killing every minute.