Wednesday, November 15, 2006

the sexiness of lettering

example 1:


example 2:


both of these new logos made me realize how sexy some letters can be. so if a book is ever made called The Sexiness of Lettering and it is by me, you will know what started it.


Anonymous said...

I also love the numbers on Chevron signs. I see them all the time and contemplate stealing them, then I realise I have no purpose for gas station marquee numbers.

The Cyrillic alphabet, in any form, is also very attractive, probably more attractive than either of these examples. To me at least.

brian jensen said...

dont try to one up me.

ill look into it though.

Anonymous said...

hey, i think we might go to the same church?!? ;)

(p.s. my name is joann)

brian jensen said...
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nico said...

see. i like the sexuality of lettering. which i came up with by accident thinking that is what you were talking about. or was it the sensuality. cuz i like sensuality better. anyways. just wanted to remind you that we were in the same city at one point in the past 24 hours. booooo.

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brian jensen said...
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