Saturday, January 06, 2007

whatever happened to predictability?
my life has become predictable.

start the day with the same routine. put on my work clothes. but not my socks and shoes. i will soon put those on once i am downstairs.

walk from my car to my work with my apron, my book and my lunch all in my left hand.

on my lunch break you can find me outside with my legs on a separate chair, reading, and eating the same turkey and provolone sandwich, daily. with a grande ice water without a lid.

i think i found my comfortable moment.


Anonymous said...

ah yes. the mighty sjsu winter break. have a good 07 man.

brian jensen said...

2 more classes and then graduation. the two classes being Modern Film and Architectural Forum. light and easy load to finish off my college life.

brian jensen said...
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