Tuesday, April 10, 2007

counting down

only 3 more things to do for school (test, paper, project).

also, sebastien tellier has taken over my ipod.


Anonymous said...

that video kind of reminds me of a POD video and about 4 smashing pumpkins videos...in the best way possible :)

p.s. do you think possibly sometime soon our computers could hang out and talk mp3 files?! maybe some tellier and some new christian cocorapie...

brian jensen said...

you do realize that you put cocorapie instead of cocorosie

Anonymous said...

:) YEEAAH! they ARE christian RAP electro-pop you know?!

brian jensen said...

you saw rapie as in rap music.
i saw rapie as in rape.

Anonymous said...

Missy Misunderstood Collier.

I am a rapper...not to be confused with a raper.

Jon said...

these comments are really confusing me.

joann, why can't i see your posts anymore?