Saturday, February 17, 2007

something wrong with my mind

i have this weird sense of empathy which could, at times, be a good thing and at other times be a bad thing. maybe its not even empathy. i dont know. i guess its that i sit here at orchard valley coffeeshop and there is a guy playing guitar to a nonresponsive audience, so i feel like i should be the one person paying attention to him since everyone else is comfortable enough to not give him their time and attention. on a weird side note, i hate the times when i am sitting outside on my break at work and someone sits at a table next to me, and they make a little eye contact with me, leave their keys and phone on the table and go inside. instantly i feel that i am fully responsible for their possessions since the eye contact was made. but what do i do. i wait until they get back so that their stuff is safe (which it probably would have been) while i spend too much time on my break, sacrificing more money that could be made.
(side note) now its annoying because there is a couple talking really loud in front of the guitar guy.
(side note) this blog had no structure

1 comment:

saraheden said...

Did this same empathy arise within you when we were at that little coffee shop in SLO listening to the "band" play their original scores? I have never felt more akward (or bad) AND excited at the same time about getting up to leave....