Tuesday, November 27, 2007

end of times

i forgot to update.
i was busy. or maybe i felt like not holding on to the comfort of a computer when i was away. i dont want to know. but i am.

the trip was great. ljubljana and bled in slovenia. budapest, hungary. london, hertfordshire and shropshire counties in england. and a sliver of wales.

here was my favorite moment.

the bridge in budapest. walking across from buda to pest around sunset, over the Danube. listening to "Into You" by the Cinematic Orchestra. it was at this point where i was thinking that if i kept stressing about my luggage i will not have fun. i want fun. the line from the song, "so much better here" lingering. i bridged my thoughts on the bridge. it was all metaphorical and beautiful. i took a deep breath at the end and said goodbye to comfort.

the wedding and reception was also pretty amazing. jon said everything. i cant add anything except my moment from above.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


for about 20 hours we flew and bussed and walked and got yelled at by canadiens.
at one point my bag decided to be flown out on a different plane.
i still dont have it, nor do i know where it is at.
it snowed tonight in ljubljana, slovenija.
i liked it. we hiked at lake bled. we ate a traditional slovenijan dinner. we drank lasko beer. we had a great desert. i was given great birthday gifts.
ljubljana is great. like prague without the seediness. like amsterdam without the drugs and sex. the countryside is like switzerland without the cheese.
we saw the alps today with full snow and sassiness (no reason why i put that).
tomorrow we go to budapest. maybe ill get my bag. maybe ill wear the same clothes again.
all in all. i am happy. i want to move here to improve both the signage and the overall design of the city.

Monday, November 12, 2007


i always talk of the buildup. everything at once. the struggle for money. the stressful days of work. the paper that is due sooner than i had thought. all at once. i am pretty sure i have titled many blogs "culmination" or "all at once" many times. im in that one again. and as of right now i have not created a title for this.

but im excited:
to fly.
to listen to the cinematic orchestra and sigur ros everywhere. in every town.
to not work.
to see two great people get married to eachother.
to see the smiles of faces i havent seen in months.
to breathe in the brisk cold air.
to not sit in class.
to not worry about my car. or my money situation.
to be away from american culture.
to not be a stereotypical american to everyone.
to look inward and outward and not be blind.
to drink a good beer.

ill be back on the 25th.
ill try to post on here.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

books with weight

in You Shall Know Our Velocity!, or the previously titled Sacrament, Will travels for a week with his friend Hand for one week. knowing that they will be on planes and some waiting time, Will brings with him the biography of Winston Churchill. the book is large so he rips out the pages that he had already read and he also takes out the last few 100 pages because that is stuff that is just weight that will not be fun to carry around. and he can read the remaining pages when he gets home.

i am trying to figure out my weight for my 11 day venture.
i will probably bring:
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
The Genesee Diary by Henri Nouwen
an issue or two of Good magazine
an issue or two of Believer magazine

does anyone have any books they reccomend for my travels.

Monday, November 05, 2007

two things


i have been at orchard valley for a bit. watching a few people take money out of the atm. its not a slow atm. if you put it in perspective with how long it takes one to get money from their account at a bank. you can stay in the coffeeshop moneyless and walk to the other wall, get money, and not have to take this trip to the bank. yes it is convenient. but these people. three in a row. are impatient. they all sighed when their money was not dispensed upon hitting the "fast cash $40" button. they looked around as if someone woule relate with their sorrows here. and no one did, and tha frustrated them. it is a fast machine. i hate that instantaneus speed is necessary for people. i think its going to continually mess up our lives. we will all become more dependant on that. as for me. i will appreciate the slow.