Saturday, November 17, 2007


for about 20 hours we flew and bussed and walked and got yelled at by canadiens.
at one point my bag decided to be flown out on a different plane.
i still dont have it, nor do i know where it is at.
it snowed tonight in ljubljana, slovenija.
i liked it. we hiked at lake bled. we ate a traditional slovenijan dinner. we drank lasko beer. we had a great desert. i was given great birthday gifts.
ljubljana is great. like prague without the seediness. like amsterdam without the drugs and sex. the countryside is like switzerland without the cheese.
we saw the alps today with full snow and sassiness (no reason why i put that).
tomorrow we go to budapest. maybe ill get my bag. maybe ill wear the same clothes again.
all in all. i am happy. i want to move here to improve both the signage and the overall design of the city.

1 comment:

Liz said...


You have the right attitude about the bag. It wasn't meant to be. Thoreau says "most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensible, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind." You'll have an entirely different and more enriching experience without it.

If you move there, never buy another bag again. Ever.