Tuesday, November 06, 2007

books with weight

in You Shall Know Our Velocity!, or the previously titled Sacrament, Will travels for a week with his friend Hand for one week. knowing that they will be on planes and some waiting time, Will brings with him the biography of Winston Churchill. the book is large so he rips out the pages that he had already read and he also takes out the last few 100 pages because that is stuff that is just weight that will not be fun to carry around. and he can read the remaining pages when he gets home.

i am trying to figure out my weight for my 11 day venture.
i will probably bring:
Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
The Genesee Diary by Henri Nouwen
an issue or two of Good magazine
an issue or two of Believer magazine

does anyone have any books they reccomend for my travels.


Anonymous said...

check out Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami

saraheden said...

I do have a suggestion....but I can't tell you till you open your birthday gift....

Nathan said...

Lost in the Cosmos by Walker Percy
and "A Bearer of Divine Revelation" by Lawrence Dorr - short stories written by a genius about Budapest.

Franny said...

The Collected Essays of George Orwell.

Mmm, salty.