Thursday, June 26, 2008

senses: in threes

i want to see the rest of you try this.
i was thinking about my taste and how what i like is very different than kristin. and i thought deeper about each person's individual senses and how they have little triggers that will make moments better. like if someone loves the smell of roses, walking past a rose garden will strike them, versus someone else who wouldnt notice it. these are little things that are hard to describe (at least in my scenario) but i will do it.

i am going to both be slightly vague (with some examples of better clarity)

- beer (mood / weather / location specific)
- burritos (from the mission mostly)
- coffee (french press / in the morning / outside)
(these three = san francisco)

- maps
- type
- organization
(these three = love for transit maps)

- foreign languages (on the streets / around me / to be lost in it)
- cinematic music (music in movies / while in transit / atmospheric music)
- things in the distance (unknown sounds / kids playing / fading out)
(these three = travel)

- pairing of coffee and cigarettes on a cold morning (outside)
- old bookstores and vintage shops (the dust?)
- fresh food (in the morning)
(these three = days off)

- new socks
- warm showers
- the first rain drops
(these three = winter)

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